Motion Studio’s Teacher in Training Program
See our current Teachers in Training and all of our Motion Studio Faculty HERE.
Music Program
- Must have completed any Primer, Beginner, and Early Intermediate Levels that pertain to your
music specialty. - Must be continuing your music education with private lessons during the internship.
- Must be at least 16 years old.

Before starting the six-month internship, you must complete four to eight pre-teaching classes with your instructor. If you did not obtain your music education through Motion Studio, you must complete all eight classes. If you did obtain your music education, you must complete no less than four classes, the rest will be up to the discretion of your instructor. Pre-teaching classes cover topics such as what to include in a full lesson, the proper flow of information, educational materials, how to handle neurodivertent students and students with different disabilities and accessability concerns, proper communication with parents and families, and the business end of the job.
The internship proper is a paid six month work experience evaluation period. During the six months, the intern will choose dedicated work hours for Motion Studio to fill with appropriate students. These hours do not have to be excessive in number. Whatever the hours the intern chooses, they must be regular and consistent. Failure to show up to work hours without proper warning may lead to early termination of the internship.
During the internship, the intern will have a designated Leader. A seasoned teacher in their specialty, whose job it is to occasionally monitor the intern’s teaching, check in with students and parents semi-regularly, to ensure proper information is given during the classes, as well as make sure other information regarding recitals and the like is relayed properly. Both the intern and student family will have access to the Leader, in case any questions or concerns. Students interested in applying for the music internship should speak with Ms. Jenny.
Dance Program
Dance is a tradition that is preserved and maintained through the careful and intentional passing of information from teacher to student. It is with the deepest respect for our art and it’s rich heritage that we groom the future generations of dance teachers. The objective of Motion Studio’s teacher training program is to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of how to nurture, mentor and guide the progression of the dance education of others and in turn find their own power of leadership, communication and deeper understanding of the techniques that they will be teaching.

Set Up
The Motion Studio Dance Teacher in Training Program is a long term program that allows participants to gain understanding not only of the day to day workings of a given class, but the progression of a comprehensive dance curriculum from preschool through pre-professional class levels by participating in teacher training workshops and by apprenticing with teachers throughout the school year.
Students are eligible to begin the Dance Teacher in Training Program at age 11, after at least 1 full year of study at Motion Studio. They must be in at least level 3 in Ballet. They must be following Motion Studio’s Suggested Course of Study for Serious Dancers.
The Program
A mandatory Teacher in Training Workshop must be attended in the summer before the beginning of the new dance season. The workshop will be an inspiring and informational experience where participants will learn what will be expected of them as teachers’ assistants and how important their role of leadership will be to the students in the classes that they will be assisting. It can be expected that each workshop level will be repeated for at least 2 consecutive years. Students taking any level of workshop for the second time will have the honor of assisting with the leading of the workshop. Classes or meetings may also be held throughout the year.
Level 1 Workshop
What is Expected of You As a Teacher’s Assistant
Overview of Preschool Syllabus
Developmental Markers of 3-5 Year Olds
Students in the Level 1 Workshop will be assigned Preschool Level classes to assist/apprentice in the coming school year.
Level 2 Workshop
What is Expected of You As a Teacher’s Assistant
Overview of Primary Levels of Syllabus
Developmental Markers of 5-8 Year Olds
The Power of Praise
Students in the Level 2 Workshop will be assigned to Primary Level classes to assist/apprentice in the coming school year.
Level 3 Workshop
What is Expected of You As a Teacher’s Assistant
Overview of the Elementary Levels of the Syllabus
Dance Pedagogy and Physiology
Students in the Level 3 Workshop will be assigned to Elementary Level classes to assist/apprentice in the coming school year.
What’s Next?
Successful participants in the Teacher in Training Program may be invited to begin teaching their own classes for pay at age 16. Each participant will be evaluated individually.
If you would like to be considered for this program, please email Amy Robinson at